Post a Listing
All you need to know to post a property listing.
Updated: 23 August 2023
Create a new property listing in a few easy steps.
Click "Create Listing" on AgentNet Dashboard.

Follow these steps: 1. Put your property in correct location

Choose your property from the drop down list. If your property is not found in the drop down list, click on No match? add new property to input the property particulars. Learn how to update your landed property here.
If it's a new condo project, call us at 03-37927555, we are happy to add them into condo directory.
2. Key in property details. Indicate the type of your property listing – whether it is a unit for sale / rent or a room for rent.

TIP - Property seekers are looking for detailed information about potential properties. Listings with thorough descriptions improve your listing quality score and engage readers.
NOTE: Your phone number in the headline and listing description will be masked from property seekers. Property seekers may still use the official contact channels, e.g., Phone Reveal, WhatsApp or Enquiry Form to submit an enquiry.
3. Upload attractive property photos, videos and virtual tours

TIP - A perfect property photo has good angles, positioning, lighting and staging of property to deliver best property visual. It can be done with your phone, learn and practice the 10 tips to taking quality property photos with your phone.
4. Summary and publish listing

Make sure your listing has achieved 100% listing quality score. This score is based on completeness of listing details. The higher your Quality Score, the better the chance your listing will attract more property seekers.
Ad credit will be deducted from your account to activate the listing.
Congratulation! Your listing is now live!
TIP- Refresh your listing date by using repost to get on top of the search results.